A metal lathe is a machine tool used for shaping metal workpieces by rotating them against a cutting tool.
Metal lathes are commonly used in machining operations such as turning, facing, and threading.
A metal lathe is a machine that can be used to create various metal objects. It consists of a bed, a headstock, a tailstock, and a tool rest.
The headstock is where the motor is located. The tailstock is used to support the workpiece. The tool rest is used to hold the cutting tools.
The lathe can be used to create many different kinds of objects such as bowls, vases, cups, plates, candlesticks, and many more.
You can also use it to create sculptures. A metal lathe is very versatile, and with a little imagination, you can create almost anything you want.
In this article, we will look at 20 things that you can make with a metal lathe. With the right practice and techniques, you can easily make any of these objects.
Threaded Bolts

There are several things to keep in mind when making threaded bolts on a metal lathe.
First, the blank must be of the correct diameter and length. Second, the cutting tool must be sharp and correctly positioned. Third, the threads must be cut evenly and smoothly.
Fourth, the head of the bolt must be well-formed. Finally, the body of the bolt must be properly finished.
Visual Explanations: https://youtu.be/wvYQdi68074
The basics of making a hammer on a metal lathe are: turning the workpiece to the desired shape, drilling a hole in the centre of the workpiece, and inserting a steel rod into the hole.
The steel rod is then turned to create the hammer’s head. Finally, the handle is attached to the hammer’s head.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBaVg1QifkQ
Once you’ve selected your material, it’s time to prepare your workpiece.
Depending on the size and shape of your desired pen, you may need to drill a pilot hole or create a finger groove.
Next, it’s time to start machining your pen blank. This will involve turning the blank down to size and shaping the tip for most pens.
You’ll also need to create threads for the cap and barrel of the pen using a tap and die set.
Once all the machining is complete, it’s time to assemble your pen. This usually involves inserting the nib into the barrel and attaching the cap.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnLSQReDCzs

Making a steel spoon on a metal lathe is actually not that difficult!
First, have your Piece of steel, and set up your lathe according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, use a sharp cutting tool to start shaping the metal into the rough shape of a spoon.
You’ll need to pay close attention to the thickness of the metal as you work so that the spoon will be a uniform thickness all the way around.
Once you have the basic shape of the spoon, use a finer cutting tool to smooth out the edges and give it a nice finish.
Finally, use a polishing wheel to give the spoon a brilliant shine. And that’s it! You’ve now made your very own steel spoon.
The process of making a ring on a metal lathe begins by mounting the workpiece in the chuck.
The workpiece is then rotated so that the desired portion of it is facing upwards. Next, the form tool is inserted into the chuck and brought into contact with the workpiece.
The form tool is then rotated while it is being pushed into the workpiece, which results in the formation of the desired shape. Finally, the ring is cut from the workpiece and removed from the chuck.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsg3sc_T29M
Chess Pieces
You’ll first need to create a rough sketch of the piece you want to make. This will help you visualize the finished product and determine its size and shape.
Once you have your sketch, use a measuring tool to transfer the dimensions onto a piece of metal stock.
Next, attach the stock securely to the faceplate or chuck of your metal lathe. Start by creating the general shape of the piece using roughing cuts.
You can then move on to finer” finishing” cuts to create smoother surfaces and achieve the precise dimensions from your sketch. Finally, use a polishing wheel to give the piece a high-quality finish.
Visual Explanations: https://youtu.be/Hcsc4SCkQVE
Spinning Top

There are a few basic things you need to know in order to make a spinning top on a metal lathe. The first step is to choose the right type of material for your top.
Next, you need to determine the size and shape of your top. Then, you’ll need to drill the hole in the centre of your top that will hold the axle.
After that, you can start shaping the body of your top with a chisel or other carving tool. Finally, it’s important to sand and finishes your top before adding the final touches.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR6V9TZjoBY
When making a vase on a metal lathe, the first step is to measure and mark the desired dimensions of the vase onto the workpiece.
With those dimensions in mind, you can then start shaping the piece by rotating it against the rotating cutter.
Be sure to take your time and go slowly, as it’s easy to make mistakes when shaping metal.
You can always adjust the shape and size of the vase as you go along.
Once you have finished shaping the vase, it’s time to sand and polish it. This will give the vase a smooth and glossy finish.
Finally, add any embellishments or decorations to the vase to give it a unique look.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7GOOVmL4fo
There are a few basics that you’ll need to keep in mind when making a whistle on a metal lathe.
First, you’ll need to make sure that the lathe is set up correctly. The chuck should be mounted securely, and the tool rest should be set at the correct height.
Next, you’ll need to select the appropriate bit for your project. A small drill bit or end mill will work nicely.
Finally, you’ll need to be very careful when cutting the whistle’s bore. It’s important not to cut too deeply or create any burrs that could impede the airflow through the whistle.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o6Z5siF1m4
Toothpick Holders

Here are the basics of making a toothpick holder on a metal lathe:
If you have your materials, it’s time to prepare the metal. This involves ensuring the metal is clean and free of corrosion or debris.
If necessary, use a brush or cloth to remove any unwanted particles.
Now it’s time to start shaping the metal. Begin by mounting the metal onto the lathe and setting the speed of the lathe to a slow setting.
With the cutting tool, start removing small amounts of metal from the surface.
Continue shaping the metal until it has the desired shape. Remember to take your time and be careful not to remove too much metal at once – you can always go back and remove more if necessary.
When you’re happy with the shape of the toothpick holder, all you need to do is finish up.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPp2D14SOBQ
Cups & Bowls
There are a few basic steps to creating cups and bowls on a metal lathe. First, you need to create the blank. This piece of metal will be turned into the desired shape.
The blank can be created in a variety of ways, but the most common way is to start with a chunk of metal and use a cutting tool to remove material until you have the desired shape.
Once you have your blank, the next step is to mount it on the lathe. This can be done in several ways, but the most common way is using screws or bolts to secure it.
Once it’s mounted, you can begin turning it into the desired shape. The process of turning it into shape is known as “spinning.” To spin the blank, you’ll need to use a cutting tool – such as a chisel or lathe.
As you spin the blank, you’ll need to stop and check your progress periodically. This will allow you to make sure that it’s taking the desired shape and that there are no mistakes.
When you’re happy with the shape of the cup or bowl, all you need to do is finish up. This involves sanding and polishing the piece to give it a smooth and glossy finish.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g77FKX9_dEs
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgHCAI_za8k
Replica Bullets
Making replica bullets on a metal lathe involves a few basic steps. First, you’ll need to obtain a metal blank that’s the same circumference as the bullet you’re replicating.
Next, you’ll need to cut the blank down to the proper length and shape using a lathe. Finally, you’ll need to add decorative details to make your replica bullet look realistic.
While this might sound like a lot of work, it can be done relatively quickly and easily with practice. And once you’ve mastered the basics, you can even get creative and try making different types of replica bullets!
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIoR2aCnvwU

There are a few different ways to make a blade on a metal lathe, but the basics involve using a cutting tool to remove material from a workpiece to form the desired shape.
You may need to use a grinding or polishing wheel for finer blades to achieve the desired finish.
Safety is always important when working with sharp tools, so be sure to wear proper eye and ear protection and follow all safety precautions.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk9hB8FQ620
Candle Holders
Candle holders can be turned on a lathe in many different ways. It really just depends on the design of the holder and what look you are going for.
There are a few basic things to keep in mind when turning candle holders on a lathe.
The first is to make sure that the lip of the holder is wide enough to accommodate the jar or taper candles that you will be using. If the lip is too narrow, the candle may not sit firmly in place and could tip over.
The second thing to keep in mind is the stability of the base. The base needs to be heavy enough so that it doesn’t tip over when the candle is lit.
Third, you need to make sure that the metal is heat resistant. If the metal gets too hot, it could melt the wax of the candle and cause a fire.
Finally, you need to make sure that the metal is non-reactive. If the metal reacts with the flame of the candle, it could create toxic fumes.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJd-yrX9_CE
You need a piece of metal stock, something with a circular cross-section. The most common type of metal stock is round bar steel, which you can buy at a hardware store or online.
The first step is to measure and mark the desired length of your bangle on the metal stock. Then, using a hacksaw or band saw, cut the metal to length.
Next, use a file or grinder to smooth out any rough edges on the bangle.
Now it’s time to turn it into a circle! Mount the bangle on the lathe and use a tool called a chisel to shave away material from the outside until it’s perfectly round. Finally, a sandpaper belt gives it a smooth, shiny finish.
Small Storage Containers
First, you must choose the right metal type for your project. The most common metals used in small storage containers are aluminium and brass.
Next, you’ll need to decide on the size and shape of your container. You can use a template or draw out the design on paper.
Once you have your design finalized, it’s time to start machining! First, you’ll need to drill the hole for the lid. Then, you’ll cut out the basic shape of the container using a lathe tool called a parting tool.
Next, use a chisel to clean up the edges and create a smooth surface. Finally, use a polishing wheel to give your container a shiny finish.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNadjpGWZNY

To make a pendant on a metal lathe, you’ll need to start with a round piece of stock that has a hole drilled through the centre.
You can either use a drill bit to drill the hole yourself or purchase a pre-drilled stock.
Once you have your stock, it’s time to start turning it into a pendant.
First, secure the stock in the lathe chuck and then turn on the machine. Begin by shaping the outside of the pendant using slow speeds and rounded cuts.
Once you have the basic shape of the pendant, switch to a higher speed and begin making gradual cuts towards the centre of the pendant until you reach the drilled hole.
Be careful not to make the cuts too deep, or you’ll cut through the hole. Next, use a file or grinder to smooth out any rough edges on the pendant. Finally, use a polishing wheel to give it a shiny finish.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYM2OfCQsZs
Making a clamp on a metal lathe is not difficult, but there are a few things you need to know first.
The most important thing is to make sure that the jaws of the clamp are perfectly aligned with the axis of the lathe. If they’re not, the workpiece will be badly damaged.
First, measure the circumference of the workpiece. This is the diameter of the portion of the Question that will remain after turning.
Next, set up your tooling. You’ll need a cutting tool appropriate for your material and an awl or other sharp point to create a starter hole for drilling.
Once your tooling is in place, position the workpiece in the lathe so that the jaws of the clamp are aligned with the axis of the spindle.
Now you’re ready to start machining! Use the cutting tool to make a series of shallow cuts around the circumference of the workpiece.
These cuts should be evenly spaced and as shallow as possible.
Once you’ve made the cuts, use the awl to create a starter hole for drilling. Drill a hole through the centre of the workpiece, then remove it from the lathe.
Finally, use a file or grinder to clean up any rough edges on the clamp.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tRgONkbEdM
Ruler Stoppers

To make a ruler stop on a metal lathe, you need first to identify the diameter of the rod or bar that will become the stop.
Once you have that measurement, you can set your lathe to that size and turn a short section of material to create the lip or shoulder that will contact the ruler.
The final step is to cut a small slot at the end of the stop so that it can be attached to your ruler with a screw or bolt.
Visual Explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21MUABFi22o
Different Ornaments
You can make ornaments from various metals on a metal lathe, including brass, copper, aluminium, and steel.
You can use a metal lathe to create all sorts of different shapes and designs in metal.
Ornamental items such as Christmas ornaments, door knockers, cabinet hardware, and other decorative items are often made with a metal lathe.
You can also use the lathe to create precision parts for machines or other devices.
There are many different types of metals that you can work with on a metal lathe.
Brass is a common choice because it is easy to machine and has a pleasant golden colour. Copper is also easy to machine and has a beautiful reddish hue.
A metal lathe is a powerful tool that can be used to create a variety of different objects. With such a versatile tool at your disposal, the only limit is your imagination.
If you are new to using a metal lathe, there are some things that you should know before you start.
First of all, you need to be aware of the different parts of the lathe and how they work.
Second, you need to have a good understanding of the different types of cutting tools that are available. And third, you need to know how to set up the machine properly.
Once you have a good understanding of the machine and the different types of cutting tools, you will be able to create some amazing pieces of art.
So, if you are looking for a creative outlet, consider using a metal lathe. With a little practice, you will be able to create some truly amazing pieces.